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Watch: Arny Margret, “waiting” Premiering on The Bluegrass Situation

Artist: Arny Margret
Hometown: Ísafjörður, Iceland
Song: “waiting”
Album: dinner alone EP
Release Date: September 22, 2023 (EP)
Label: One Little Independent Records

In Their Words: “Sometimes you feel like you’re waiting for someone, or for a moment to say something, but the person doesn’t really see or give you the time. This song is about a lot of things: feeling left out and alone, feeling unheard and unwanted. It’s a song that was scary for me to write. Like most of my newer songs, I feel like I’m starting to write in a bit of a different way, a more honest way. This song is all the things I would never say out loud to anyone, I’m not using any metaphors or trying to mask anything here. That’s a pretty scary thing to do to, at least for me.” – Arny Margret